Imran khan second Open letter to Army chief on Twitter

Imran khan news today write a 2nd letter to army chief.
“I have, in good faith and for the betterment of the country and nation, written an open letter addressed to the Army Chief (you) so that the ever-increasing gap between the army and the people may be reduced. However, the reply was given with extreme frivolity and irresponsibility.

I am the former Prime Minister of Pakistan and the leader of the country’s most popular and largest political party. I have spent my entire life enhancing the name of the country and nation on a global scale. My 55 years of public life since 1970 and 30 years of earnings are evident to all – my living and dying is solely for Pakistan.
I am solely concerned about the perception of our army and the potential implications of the ever-widening gap between the people and the army, which is why I wrote this letter.
If public opinion were taken on the six points I have highlighted, 90 percent of the people would support them –
- Establishing an ordnance government by manipulating pre-poll rigging and altering election results through agencies;
- Enforcing the 26th constitutional amendment on a gun-point basis in Parliament to take control of the judiciary and appoint ‘pocket judges’;
- Implementing draconian laws like PIKA to silence voices rising against oppression;
- Creating political instability and applying the ‘whoever holds the stick owns the buffalo’ principle, thereby devastating the country’s economy;
- Continuously targeting the country’s largest political party with state terrorism; and
- Involving all state institutions in political engineering and political revenge by abandoning their duties.
Not only are these actions injuring public sentiments, but they are also continuously widening the gap between the people and the army.
The army is an important institution of the country, yet a few dark masses seated within it are causing immense harm to the entire institution. There is, for instance, a colonel sitting in Adiala Jail who, while controlling the jail staff, not only scatters the fragments of the constitution, law, and jail manual but also violates human rights. He treats judicial orders as if placing them on the tip of his shoe, acting as though he were an ‘occupying army.’ Previously, the diligent Superintendent Akram of Adiala Jail was kidnapped and subjected to torture because he adhered to the law and implemented jail rules; even now, the entire staff is being intimidated and threatened.
In order to increase the pressure on me by violating fundamental human rights, the jail administration under one colonel has inflicted every possible injustice upon me. I have been kept in a death trap. I was placed in complete lockdown for 20 days, during which not even sunlight could reach me. For five days, the electricity in my cell was turned off, and I was kept in utter darkness. My exercise equipment and even the television were taken away, and I was not allowed to receive newspapers; when desired, even books were withheld. In addition to those 20 days, I was again confined for another 40 hours.
In the past six months, I have been allowed to speak with my children only three times. Even in this matter, despite the court’s orders, I am not permitted to speak with my children, which is my fundamental and legal right. Members of my party travel from distant regions to meet me, but even they are not allowed to meet me despite judicial orders. In the past six months, only a few individuals have been permitted to meet me. Despite clear orders from the Islamabad High Court, I am not allowed to meet my wife. My wife is also kept in solitary confinement.
Through the gun-point enforced 26th constitutional amendment, the objective of taking over the judicial system and packing the courts is to cover up human rights violations and electoral fraud and to appoint ‘pocket judges’ in cases against me, so that no transparent decisions can be rendered in the judiciary.
All my cases are being decided under pressure. I have been illegally given four sentences. The judges face such intense pressure to deliver judgments against me that one judge’s blood pressure rose fivefold, and he had to be admitted to the jail hospital. That judge told my lawyer that there is severe pressure ‘from above’ to sentence both me and my wife.
On May 9 and November 26, our pro-democracy workers were subjected to extreme oppression and violence. Direct gunfire was used on peaceful citizens. Under the guise of political revenge, in the past three years, raids were carried out on the homes of millions of citizens; more than 20,000 of our workers and supporters were arrested, and hundreds were kidnapped and subjected to torture; thousands of innocent people were kept in jails on false charges for many months.
Due to the pressure from agencies, the bail applications of more than 2,000 of our workers, supporters, and party leaders are still pending with High Court judges – the treatment of our women over the past three years has been extremely shameful and distressing. In Pakistan’s history, the domestic women of politicians have never been targeted in such a manner. This shows how low our morals have fallen.
Elderly women and young girls have been imprisoned. My wife, Dr. Yasmin Rashid, who is a 75-year-old cancer patient, my two sisters, both over 65, along with hundreds of other women, have been unnecessarily shackled, and their dignity has been violated. In the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), women, the elderly, and children were not oppressed; our religion commands that even in wartime, enemy women and children should not be mistreated, yet here, our own mothers, sisters, and daughters are not being respected.
All of this goes against our traditions, and because of it, public hatred towards the army has greatly increased. If addressed in time, it would be better for both the army and the country; otherwise, this will lead to irreparable damage. Through draconian laws like PIKA, censorship has also been imposed on social media and the Internet. Because of all this, Pakistan’s GS Plus status is also at risk. The disruption on the Internet has caused billions of dollars in losses to our IT industry, and the careers of our youth are being ruined.
By insulting the public mandate on the whims of a few individuals, such political instability has been created that the country’s economy is in dire straits, and investors and skilled individuals are being forced to leave Pakistan rapidly along with their capital. Economic instability is at its peak. The growth rate is zero, and investment in Pakistan is nearly nonexistent.
Poverty and unemployment in the country are at an all-time high – our soldiers are sacrificing for Pakistan. For success in the war against terrorism, it is necessary for the nation to stand behind the army; however, unfortunately, due to the policies of the establishment and these illegal measures, the defamation of the army among the public is continuously increasing. All this is a violation of the army’s oath. No country’s army treats its citizens this way; rather, such behavior is seen only in occupying forces who consider themselves above every constitution and law.
For the stability and security of the country, it is imperative that the gap between the army and the people be reduced, and there is only one way to do that, which is for the army to return to its constitutional limits, to separate itself from politics, and to fulfill its designated responsibilities – and this is a task that the army must undertake on its own; otherwise, this ever-widening gap will become a flaw in terms of national security.”