Jazz Balance Save Code

Jazz Balance Save Code

To save Jazz balance Dial code *275# & *869#. The dialing code *275# is free & *869# code will have some charges of PKR 3.69 + Tax.

How to Activate?

  • *Dial 275# from your Jazz number – Free!
  • Validity: 30 days (Auto-renews after expiry)
  • Check Status: Dial *275*2#.
  • Check Info: Dial *275*3#.
  • Deactivate Service: Dial *275*4#.
  • Alternative Method: You can also activate this service via the Jazz World App under the “Manage Services” section.

Jazz Balance Saver Code Charges

There are two ways to activate the balance-saving feature:

*869#PKR 3.69 + Tax
  1. Both codes perform the same function, but 275# is completely free, making it the preferred option.

Why Use Jazz Balance Saver Code?

  1. Prevents Unwanted Balance Deduction:
    • Stops internet charges if no data package is activated.
  2. No Background App Data Usage:
    • Keeps apps from consuming data unknowingly.
  3. User-Friendly & Convenient:
    • Activate or deactivate anytime with simple USSD codes.
  4. Completely Free Service:
    • No activation cost when using *275#.


Q1: Does activating the Balance Saver Code cost money?

No, dialing *275# is completely free. However, dialing *869# incurs a small charge.

Q2: Can I still use the internet after enabling the Balance Saver Code?

Yes, but only if you have an active data bundle. Without one, internet access will be blocked to prevent balance loss.

Q3: Will it affect calls or SMS?

No, this service only blocks internet access when no bundle is active. Calls and SMS remain unaffected.

Final Thoughts

If you’re a Jazz prepaid user who wants to protect your mobile balance from unnecessary internet deductions, the Jazz Balance Saver Code is a must-have feature. *Dial 275# today and enjoy a worry-free mobile experience!

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