Saudi PHD Scholar Released From Jail In Critical Posts Case


A Saudi PHD Student released from jail after completing her sentence in case of posting and reposting critical social media posts. Salma al-Shehab, a 36-year-old Saudi national and PhD student at the University of Leeds, was arrested in January 2021 during a visit to Saudi Arabia..

Reason to Arrest

Al-Shehab’s arrest was primarily due to her activity on Twitter, where she shared and supported content advocating for women’s rights in Saudi Arabia. She retweeted posts calling for reforms, including the right for women to drive and the release of activists like Loujain al-Hathloul. Her online presence, though modest with around 2,000 followers, was deemed significant enough by Saudi authorities to warrant charges under the kingdom’s counterterrorism and anti-cybercrime laws.

Sentence Duration

Initially sentenced to six years in prison, her term was later increased to 34 years upon appeal. After subsequent legal proceedings, her sentence was reduced to 4 years, leading to her release in February 2025.

Banned To Travel

Despite her release, al-Shehab remains subject to a 34-year travel ban, preventing her from leaving Saudi Arabia. Human rights organizations continue to advocate for the lifting of this ban to allow her to resume her studies in the UK.

Shehab was a medical instructor and dental hygienist and was studying in School of Medicine at University of LEEDS in UK.

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